AGR Let there be light Update

In a nutshell:

As the title says, campfires, fireplaces and a few handy items now can be used to dispel the darkness. And since now lighting affects crafting and construction, you’ll definitely need one of those. Fortunately the unique player camp that acts as a starting point already has a campfire, as well as a few resources. Hopefully it should also be safe from predators (at least for a few hours), so crafters will have an easier start. On the other hand sneaky characters might benefit from the cover darkness, since torch carrying npcs are now easier to spot and sneak attacks get upgraded to critical hits.

I’ve also added empty and partially full textures for storage objects, so it’s now easier to spot potential loot and biomines now actually go boom, since I’ve linked an element specific explosion to them.

Oh and remember to stay away from “Headhunter” and his hunting lodge or he’ll shoot you with his unique crossbow.

A Closer look:

New lighting at work.

Just going for a walk

New features:

- Each tile now has its own light level that can be generated by a stationary light source (campfire) held/worn light sources (torch) and spells
- Lighting now affects crafting and trap disarming
- Torches, etc lose condition when equipped (only affects player due to balance reasons)
- Added sneak attacks for melee, ranged, and spells (normal hit is converted to a critical hit)
- Storage objects now use different textures when empty and partially full
- Damaging objects (walls, furniture, etc) now spawn various debris
- Linked explosion animation to mines

Game balance:

- Removed "blade" from metal pry bar recipes’s required tools
- Changed nails to thread for wooden shield recipes
- Lowered metal requirements for shield recipes
- Unified crafting levels for shield recipes
- Added 3 tiers of light spells
- Added light and dispel spells to magesmith and thermomancer starts
- Removed fire starter tool requirement for campfire, fireplace and forge
- Increased elemental resistance of armors
- Increased elemental resistance of several materials
- Added new items: torch, electrotorch and biotorch 
- Added new objects: standing torch, standing electrotorch and  standing biotorch
- Added new objects: flashlight plant (spawns components for biolamp)
- Set light levels to 1.0 for campsites, fireplace and forge
- Set light levels to 0.2 for selsila shroom, read ear shrooms, moon berries and violet mould
- Added unique location: Secluded lodge (occupied by a unique enemy) 
- Added unique crossbow: Heart seeker 
- Added new location: Player camp (acts as a spawn point)
- Added new “decor” object: Head on a pike (spawns in bandit camps and new unique location)
- Added custom fillers for Bandits camp and city
- Added min/maxLightLevel to gameconfig.txt
- Added lightLevelDistanceModifier to gameconfig.txt
- Added light check delay to gameconfig.txt
- Weapon rack is now a storage object

Bug hunter log:

- Metal maul recipe now requires metalworking tools
- Linked proper textures for Head Splitter Axe
- Linked proper textures for Fang Spear
- Using tools from a locked object is no longer possible to open said object
- Hp modified by stout and slender perks is now properly calculated when loading an initial autosave
- Roofs over resource spawning tiles(clay, water, etc) are now saved and loaded properly

What’s next?

First things first, quickslots and magic rebalance, since casting spells drains too much food and water.
Secondly, there’s a few survival things that still need to be done, mainly food rooting.
After that I’ll focus on fixing bugs and some under the hood refactoring.

That’s all I’ve got for this release, so see you in a month and half :).

Get Another Generic Roguelike

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